GA FCC! Your chance to help shape the future. Apply today.
Updated: May 24, 2022
GA family child care providers are being invited to apply for a role in guiding the formation of a true professional infrastructure for ECE in America. After a multi-year process involving organizations from around the country, the Power to the Profession initiative resulted in the creation of the Unifying Framework for the Early Childhood Education Profession. The Framework provides recommendations to define the ECE profession by addressing professional designations, professional preparation pathways and specializations, along with professional compensation and a supportive infrastructure and shared accountability. The newly formed Commission on Professional Excellence in Early Childhood Education, was created "to develop and promote the framework for a unified, cohesive, and equitable early childhood education profession informed by and in partnership with early childhood educators across states and settings." To learn more about the Framework and how you can contribute to this new initiative, click on the link below.