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The Latest News for Georgia's Family Child Care Providers

Have you decided NOT to apply for a STABLE 4ward grant?And miss out on THOUSANDS of dollars?


f the answer is yes, OR you are on the fence, then read on! The STABLE 4ward grant is the latest round of STABLE grants from DECAL. In this round, if you are a licensed FCCLH, then you can receive at least $24,960, paid out over 23 months. Even with these large grant payments, DECAL reports that about 15% of all FCC providers chose NOT to apply for STABLE round 1, 2, or 3 grants!

At PFCCAG, we recognize there may be some pros and cons to applying for STABLE 4ward. Even so, if you are unsure about applying, we would LOVE to discuss these pros and cons with you. It’s a chance for us to serve you, the member, and an opportunity for us to learn about your concerns.

If you would like to have a CONFIDENTIAL discussion with a PFCCAG volunteer about how STABLE 4ward applies to your situation, e-mail us at Please add in the subject line: STABLE 4ward.

Don’t wait! The application deadline for the first round of applications is November 8th at 6PM. While additional rounds of applications will occur, you will not be eligible for as much money if you apply after November 8th.

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