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The Latest News for Georgia's Family Child Care Providers

PFCCAG Seeks an Applicant to Plan for and Start Local FCC Associations


PFCCAG seeks applications from individuals capable of developing and managing a new initiative entitled “The Family Child Care Association Advantage (FCC-AA).” The position, to be called a Local Association Specialist, is a six to seven-month contract position.

This initiative seeks to increase the number of local family child care associations and support groups in Georgia. The position’s deliverables are:

  • Create a guide/manual for local groups for use in starting their support group or association.

  • Develop an outreach strategy to find, contact and develop a relationship with potential local groups.

  • Provide support to four to six local groups interested in formalizing their organizational structure.

Members of the PFCCAG team will assist in the creation of the manual and outreach strategy.

The Local Association Specialist will be an independent contractor and receive a fixed fee of $1500. The contract for the Specialist will begin as soon as possible and end on December 31, 2021.

It is possible this work could be divided into two positions, one to write an implementation plan and manual, and the other to support the development of associations.

For additional information about the position and how to apply, please download the document below.

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