Professional Family Child
Care Alliance of Georgia

Welcome to your source for information about family child care in Georgia! Whether you are thinking about starting a family child care home, operating a family child care business, or working to support these remarkable small business owners, the Professional Family Child Care Alliance of Georgia is here for you.
Who We Are
Our Vision: The Professional Family Child Care Alliance of Georgia envisions a future where family child care is central to a foundational system of high quality, affordable child care, where providers are valued as professional educators and adequately compensated.
Our Mission: To create a solid foundation so all Georgia’s children are nurtured and educated to become happy, healthy, and prepared to succeed. We join all stakeholders to enhance the professionalism of family child care providers and create an environment that allows the profession to thrive.
Our Motto: Dedicate ~ Educate ~ Appreciate
Our Slogan: We are the VOICE of Family Child Care in GA.
Our Goals: To advocate for quality child care and early education for all children in Georgia.